Bin it!

Friday is our class’s turn to collect the rubbish from around our little school, because there is no rubbish collection here and most people have no idea that rubbish should be put in a bin and not dropped along the way. Spitting is another bad habit…red betel juice stains dot the ground on our walk to town.

The students are good about collecting other people’s rubbish, we take one bucket for burnable stuff and one for plastic and glass and other items that can be recycled. They chat as they go, picking up bits and pieces along the stretch of road that runs down one side of the school and then along the bottom road and back into the school grounds. We hope that when they grow up it will have become enough of a habit for each one of them, so that they will dispose of their own rubbish in the right way.20180302_122813

TIme will tell!


7 thoughts on “Bin it!

  1. I think it’s wonderful that your students are contributing to the community in this way. I would love it if my school did something like this.


  2. I’m always amazed at how much rubbish just gets left on the ground. Working together to clean up, whether inside or out, always makes the job more fun. Love the photo, too!


  3. For Earth Day one year during elementary school, my daughter created a poster that said “Maybe it isn’t your trash, but it IS your Earth!” It had a globe 🌎 with candy wrappers, etc. all around it to remind everyone to pick up litter. I’m always reminding students who say “It’s not mine!” when I ask them to pick something up that was dropped on the floor or in the yard st school.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Leading by example makes you a great teacher. Hoping your lesson is a life-long one that sticks. GORGEOUS kids!


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